Lovelane Safety Protocols & Guidelines Relating to COVID-19
General Protocols for Everyone
Updated November 20, 2023
Vaccination Protocol
Lovelane strongly encourages all staff, volunteers, and students who are able to receive vaccinations for both COVID-19 and the flu. These vaccinations provide individual protection, protect the health of medically vulnerable members of our community, and help prevent outbreaks.
Mask Protocol
- Students are not required to wear a mask, although they are welcome to continue to do so if they choose.
- For private therapeutic riding lessons only: Parents and guardians may request that your student’s instructor and volunteers wear masks during your student’s lesson, and we would be happy to honor this. Please notify the Program Office in advance so they can plan accordingly.
- Staff and volunteers are not required to wear a mask but should keep a mask with them while at Lovelane, as families may request that masks be worn during lessons.
If You Test Positive for COVID-19
- You must isolate for at least 5 days after a positive test result or onset of symptoms (day 0).
- You may return to Lovelane after 5 days, returning on day 6, provided that you:
- Are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication AND experienced significant improvement in other symptoms (if you have been symptomatic).
- Wear a mask for days 6 – 10, at all times, while at Lovelane.
If You Have Been Identified as a Close Contact to Someone Who Tested Positive for COVID-19
- A close contact is defined as a person who has been within 6 feet of an infected person (laboratory-confirmed or a clinically-compatible illness) for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.
- Individuals who have been identified as close contacts must wear a mask and monitor for symptoms through day 10 (where day 0 is the last day of exposure). Additionally, they should test on or after day 6. If symptoms develop or the individual receives a positive test result, they should self-isolate.
Additional Protocols
- We encourage staff, students, volunteers, and visitors to stay home if they are sick to keep everyone healthy. Thank you for keeping our community safe!
- All staff, volunteers, and students must complete an Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability form.
Student & Family Guidelines
- Students who are riding must bring and wear their own ASTM/SEI-approved riding helmet.
- At the start of a student’s lesson, the instructor will meet the student in the Family Viewing Room or just outside the barn. During the student’s lesson, families may wait in the Family Viewing Room, in their cars, or outside at the picnic tables.
- If a student’s lesson is taking place in the outdoor ring, parents/guardians may walk through the barn to access the outdoor ring to watch the lesson.
- If families have questions for Lovelane staff, they should coordinate a time to talk over the phone or via email instead of coming into the Lovelane offices.
- POLICY EXPIRATION REMINDER: The following policy expired June 30, 2022: If a student needs to miss their lesson for a reason related to COVID-19 and/or other illness, i.e. the student is ill or has been in contact with someone who is ill and cannot provide more than 24-hour notice, the missed lesson will be eligible for a make-up lesson. The cancellation must be communicated prior to the session and it will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to connect with the Program Office to coordinate their make-up lesson. If they do not communicate with the office, then the lesson(s) will be forfeited.